Karan, Family Discount!

Karan, Family Discount!

At Karan Rent a Car, we've launched a special campaign to make travel experiences more affordable for families! Don't miss out on the special 20% discount for families with children. Now, traveling as a family will be both enjoyable and economical.

Campaign Details:

*20% Discount for Families with Children.

*A free child seat service is provided for children under 5 years old.

*Choose from Our Family Vehicles: Select one of our family vehicles equipped with spacious interior and safety features for a comfortable travel experience.

Campaign Conditions:

*To benefit from the campaign, you must be a family of at least 3 people.

*When making a reservation, please specify the age of the child to benefit from the child seat service.

*The campaign is valid from 01.02.2024 to 30.04.2024 and for certain vehicle models.

Enjoy traveling as a family while saving your budget! Call Karan Rent a Car now or visit our website to make a reservation.

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